Memo to all carol singers

Category: By DuNi

To all carol singers!

Greetings of joy!

Be it known that the new guidelines about caroling or singing joyful songs at Christmas in this residence, shall be strictly followed effective immediately:

1. Carol singers are only allowed within the “official” Christmas season, starting from 6PM up to 8PM in the evening of December 16 up to the 24th of December.  Any carol singers who will try to serenade outside the prescribed time and period shall not be entertained.

2. Carol singers shall only be allowed to perform once during the prescribed period, whether individual or in group.  Any carol singer who has performed cannot join another group and perform again.  We are closely monitoring carol singers through CCTV's.  Any violator, whether individual or a group shall forfeit his/their right to perform, including the group that the offender discreetly joined.

3. The following criteria shall be followed in rewarding carol singers:

CHOICE of SONG                   10 %
MESSAGE of SONG                   20 %
QUALITY of VOICE                   20 %
CHOREOGRAPHY                   20 %
COSTUME                          10 %
AUDIENCE IMPACT                  10 %

SUB TOTAL                          100 %

The subtotal then shall be multiplied by 1.5 and divided by 2 and shall be converted into Philippine Peso.  An additional 50% from the total shall be added if the carol singer can perform any rendition of Christmas songs recorded by Mabuhay Singers in its exact tune.  The conversion rate is 1% = Php 1.00.

4. For security reasons, our dogs are allowed to wander within our yard.  May we therefore request that any carol singers should stand at a clearance of 1 meter from the fence or gate.  The dogs are well trained to attack strangers.

5. Do not try to use the doorbell.  It is disabled during from December 16 up to January 6 (Feast of the Three Kings).

Happy Caroling!